Nutritional Therapy & Nutrigenomics

Personalised nutrition and lifestyle support based on your own genetic make up.

Why is my memory so bad, why do I find it so hard to concentrate, why does switching off feel so unnatural? Why do I have such a tough time with my menstrual cycle and why oh why have I struggled so much with my energy levels over the years? These were just a few of the questions I was asking myself before I started training in nutritional therapy and nutrigenomics.

Before we even get to environmental factors how are body is programmed can impact how the various systems in our body function. Throw into the mix a whole bunch of environmental factors: stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrient status and things can get a bit messy! What we expose our body to both internally and externally will impact how it functions. How our body functions will impact how we feel. How we feel can impact what we do.

After doing my nutritional therapy training at the Institute of Optimum Nutrition I went on to train in nutrigenomics with LifecodeGx. It was here the penny really dropped for me in a big way - I realised the best starting point to support my clients was to get to know their default function - what are their genes programmed to do and how is that playing into what they are currently experiencing and could experience in the future. So for nutrition focused clients this is where I tend to start, alongside a deep health exploration to identify the root cause of the troubles and create a plan of action to move beyond and whilst I specialise in mental health I can support on other areas too.

What NT & Nutrigenomics can help with includes:

Mental health

Immune system

Energy Levels

Hormone imbalance

Digestive issues

Food intolerances

Skin troubles

Fat loss and more…

What is Nutrigenomics

Nutrigenomic testing allows us - with a simple cheek swab - to gather insight into our default function - our body’s blue print. Small but important differences in our genetic make-up (‘SNPS’) can have significant impact on our health and wellbeing - from our hormones to how well we detoxify things to our mental health and a whole lot more!

Through nutrigenomics testing we zoom in on genes that relate and respond to nutrition and lifestyle interventions with the ambition of achieving optimal health. Everything we discover that needs attention we can take some form of action on. Our genes might ‘load the gun’ but our environment ‘pulls the trigger’ and what the right environment looks like will be different from individual to individual

Testing panels & where to start

Working with LifecodeGx® and their cutting-edge genomics science enables me to offer professional, evidence based, ethical DNA testing and analysis. Their targeted panels inform how inherited health risks can be mitigated through personalised nutrition and changes in lifestyle. Which panels are looked at will depend on the needs of the individual but clients often starts with the Nutrient Core. It offers a way of dipping your toe in and gathering insight on where you might want to go from there. Those that are focused in on supporting their mental health opt for the Core or Advanced Mental Health Package. Guidance on which reports will be provided in initial consultation.


The steps we will take together


CORE: £399

  • 30 min initial consultation

  • Health history & goal gathering

  • 1 x 45 min consultation to go through results

  • Summary report with recommendations

  • Discount on further coaching support

  • 1 x genetic report (see the 2 starting options)


    1 genetic report to be agreed or picked from the two core packages below


  • 30 min initial consultation

  • Health history & goal gathering

  • 2 x 45 min consultation to go through results

  • Summary report with recommendations

  • Discount on further coaching support

  • 3 x genetic reports


    3 genetic reports to be agreed during initial consultation or picked from packages below


  • 30 min initial consultation

  • Health history & goal gathering

  • 2 x 45 min consultation to go through results

  • Summary report with recommendations

  • Discount on further coaching support

  • 5 x genetic reports


    5 genetic reports to be agreed in initial consultation


MH Core (£399) & MH Adv (£799)

Nutrient Core (£399)

Period/ Perimenopause (£799)

Energy (£799)

Skin (£799)