“Anna has been amazing. She has pushed me to reach my potential and proving to be almost a cheerleader and supported me throughout. Thank you for believing in me more than I initially believed in myself.  ”

— Analyst, 24, London


“Before meeting Anna I would definitely say I was an intense worrier. Naturally I still have worrying thoughts, but I feel so much more comfortable when I have them because I know full well that they will pass. I am so grateful to Anna for helping me bring back the spark that had been missing for too long.”

— Teacher, 24, London


“Anna has this extraordinary innate sense of being able to understand how you are feeling and thinking. She is a light that shines so brightly, an inner radiance, sense of peace and wisdom, a gentleness of spirit. Anna has given me hope.”

— Volunteer, 53, London


“Thank you so much Anna for your support and encouragement. You are such a kind and intelligent person and it felt like you wanted me to succeed and be happy with whatever that may be.”

— Analyst, 29, Dublin

Overcoming my disordered eating

"When I had my first meeting with Anna I was at a rather desperate point struggling to cope with pressures from school, friend and family relationships, and above all the damaging relationship with food and exercise that I had developed and felt unable to escape. In the early stages of our calls, the overwhelming effect I felt was relief, to finally have a place where I felt safe to talk about things I didn’t feel I could talk about with anyone else around me. Anna made me feel completely comfortable to do this from our first interaction and gave me assurance that I had that outlet without any fear of being judged or invalidated. 

Over time we primarily began to tackle the issues with my relationship with food and exercise. I was living as a slave to my fears of breaking the rules I had created which felt so real and imprisoning. She helped me to look those fears directly in the face and run straight into them no matter how terrifying that seemed at the time. This was the most challenging thing I had ever had to do but Anna supported me through it constantly and most importantly gave me hope that, even if I couldn’t yet imagine it, a life without disordered eating was possible, and I had every ability to access it.

Now, less than six months down the line, I can honestly say my life has transformed, I am firmly down the path of recovery, free from those rules that used to dictate my life, and feel equipped to overcome obstacles the future will certainly bring. I am enormously grateful to Anna for her kindness, understanding and support. It is hard to find good support especially where relationships with food are concerned, but I found it in Anna so if this is something you are struggling with, I can not recommend her help enough."

— Student, 18, Sussex

“I felt Anna was really personally invested in my wellbeing. I was able to talk very frankly and openly to her about my personal issues and never felt judged.”

— Consultant, 32, London


“Anna was such a great person to talk to. She really listened intently. We never met but I felt there was such a deep listening person on the other end of the call. She structured the conversations based on what I was saying which was fantastic, guiding me with questions and helping me think about things and be proactive and problem solve. When you are lost that is one of the hardest things to do, to think clearly and problem solve.”

— Business Strategist, 28, London 


“Anna has helped me through some very difficult times when I was unsure of what to do in relation to how I was feeling. Without her support I would not be in the stronger position I find myself in now. ”

— Strategy Consultant, 30, London


“I was watching the rapid diminishing of the young, vibrant, intelligent girl I knew into a scared, reclusive, anxious young woman with no self-esteem or belief in her own worth. Over the last few months I have watched my daughter (25) begin to flourish once more under Anna’s guidance, empathy and nurture. If you want someone who intuitively knows how to help you face demons head on, survive and flourish then give Anna a call. I am eternally grateful for all she has done for my girl.”

— Mother, London

Overcoming toxic thinking around food

"The time Anna and I spent 'walking together' has been truly life changing. I have flourished from a frightened young woman, who’d innocently trapped herself in an insecure body and mind, to someone who is now able to get curious and playful with toxic thinking regarding eating, exercise and all the eclectic hurdles life brings.

Anna’s nurturing approach has helped me step into a sense of vibrancy where my mind is less intimidating and life's no longer confined by expectations, rules and regulations. I want to thank Anna from the bottom of my heart for showing me how to embrace healing and health; I’m so so excited for what the future holds." 

— 20, Cornwall