Energy £799

Reports included in the Energy focused package:

  • Metabolics

  • Thyroid

  • Nutrient Core

The Metabolics Report transforms our understanding of how genes confer metabolic individuality and underpin energy regulation, longevity and healthspan

Metabolism refers to all cellular chemical reactions and is essential for life. It involves many interconnected pathways that can be divided into ‘anabolism’ (‘build up’ e.g synthesis of sugars, fats, proteins and nucleic acids) and catabolism (‘break down’ e.g., releasing energy in the form of ATP). These complex processes, and the balance between them, are the key to energy metabolism and healthy cell structure and function. 

The comprehensive Metabolics report presents the genes that can powerfully influence key pathways driving human metabolism. It incorporates over 40 genes and 50 SNPs across 6 pathways, including appetite regulation, nutrient sensing, sugar and fat metabolism, cholesterol and bile, mitochondria and inflammation.

Genes Included:

Appetite Regulation: BDNF, FAAH, FTO, LEPR, MC4R, NPY, POMC
Sugar Metabolism: AMPD1, GCK, GLUT2, IRS1, PPARG, TCF7L2
Fat Metabolism: ADRB3, CD36, CPT1A, FABP2, LPL, PLIN1, PPARA, SREBF1
Cholesterol and Bile: CYP7A1, HMGCR, LDLR, SREBF1 Mitochondria and Inflammation: CAT, CRP, FOXO3, GPX1, IFNG, IL6, NRF2, SIRT3, SOD2, TNF, UCP1/2/3

Thyroid Balance Report

The thyroid is an endocrine gland in the neck that produces two thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), and calcitonin. Thyroid hormones control the metabolism of almost every cell in the body, with wide-ranging metabolic, developmental and cardiovascular effects. Thyroid activity is altered by genetics and environmental factors: nutrients (tyrosine, selenium and iodine), toxins (fluoride, chlorine or moulds), psychosocial or physical stressors, bacteria and viruses. Imbalance can result in HPT axis (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid) dysfunction, autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) such as Graves’ and Hashimoto’s, thyroid sensitive cancers (although rare), and impact transport, activation and response to thyroid hormones. Deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones can result in many different symptoms. Hypothyroidism (under activity) can cause weight gain, fatigue, low libido, cold intolerance, dry skin, constipation and depression. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (over activity) include anxiety, heat intolerance, heart palpitations, insomnia and weight loss. The Thyroid Balance report analyses the genes involved in the thyroid hormone lifecycle: synthesis - centrally (in the thyroid) and in activation in peripheral tissues, transport and metabolism, processing of cofactors (vitamins D and A) and inhibitors (stress and toxins). It also examines genes that confer susceptibility to inflammation and autoimmunity.

Genes Included:
HPT Axis: CAPZB, FKBP5, GPX1*, PDE8B, TG*, TSHR* (*also involved in autoimmunity)
Autoimmune: CTLA4, FOXE1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1 and PTPN22
Inflammation: CD40, FCRL3, IL6, TNF, GC and VDR
Transport: SLCO1B1 and SLCO1C1
Activation: DIO1, DIO2, BCO1, GC and VDR
Metabolism: SULT1A1, SULT1E1, UGT1A1

Nutrient Core Report

This test analyses how gene variants can affect food tolerance (and intolerance), appetite control and blood sugar balance, vitamin and mineral needs, detoxification ability, and susceptibility to inflammation and infection.

Nutrient Core will help you understand the fundamental genetic interactions with diet and lifestyle and indicate whether specific functions require further genetic testing. It includes genes that have been shown to affect:

  • food response - gluten (coeliac) and lactose intolerance

  • caffeine - sensitivity and metabolism

  • microbiome - diversity

  • vitamin need - vitamins A, B9 (folate), B12 (cobalamin), C, D and K

  • blood pressure - sodium-potassium balance & salt sensitive hypertension

  • detoxification - glutathione

  • metabolism - blood sugar control (insulin), appetite (leptin)

  • inflammation - specific (infection response) and systemic

  • circadian rhythm - early bird or night owl predisposition

Genes Included:

Food Response: HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1 and LCT
Caffeine: CYP1A2 and ADORA2A
Microbiome: FUT2
Vitamins: BCO1, MTHFR, FUT2, TCN2, SLC23A1, COL1A1, GC, VDR and VKORC1
Blood Pressure: ACE and AGT
Detoxification: GSTM1
Metabolism: FADS1/2, FTO, TCF7L2, PGC1A and LEPR
Inflammation: TNF and IFNG
Circadian Rhythm: CLOCK and PER1

All of the Lifecode Gx reports include:

  • personalised, colour coded genotype results

  • gene function and SNP impact descriptions

  • clinically relevant SNPs

  • nutrient and other epigenetic impacts

  • links to research evidence