Innate mental wellbeing

When you see how your mind works and where your experience comes from,
life as you know it changes. Not only do things become easier and more natural but you begin to see the enormity of what you can achieve.


As human beings, regardless of the circumstances, we are born with an innate capacity for mental wellbeing. I wish I had known this in my youth!

Through state of mind coaching, clients access their innate clarity, resilience, productivity, performance and overall wellbeing. They reconnect with themselves and deepen their connection to those around them.


“Not known, because not looked for 
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.”

T.S Eliot

What this approach can help with includes:




Low mood



Future path

Body image







“I am enormously grateful to Anna for her kindness, understanding and support. It is hard to find good support especially where relationships with food are concerned, but I found it in Anna so if this is something you are struggling with, I can not recommend her help enough.”

— Student, 18, Sussex


“Anna has this extraordinary innate sense of being able to understand how you are feeling and thinking. She is a light that shines so brightly, an inner radiance, sense of peace and wisdom, a gentleness of spirit. Anna has given me hope.”

— Volunteer, 53, London


Seeking the light

I've had the privilege of working with thousands of individuals worldwide, both one-on-one and in groups, through Gazelle Partners, the corporate wellbeing business I co-founded, and my private practice. What stands out to me is that everyone struggles with something, to varying degrees. Understanding how your mind works, along with the impact of your genetics and environment, can significantly address these struggles.

I help individuals navigate back to their innate mental wellbeing by gaining deeper insight into where there experience is coming from and by getting curious about their true nature. In accessing their innate mental wellbeing more frequently clients find freedom from their mental distress, whilst

simultaneously accessing the gems of the mind such as wisdom, clarity, peace, resilience, confidence, creativity, and innovation.

Where needed, I also integrate genetic testing, nutrition, and lifestyle support to enhance performance, resilience, and wellbeing.

I've witnessed the power of listening with a clear, non-judgmental mind and create a safe space for my clients to get curious whilst I ‘walk’ alongside them.

My goal is to be open and invitational. I am here to support you and help you access what you need to move forward, without judgment.


Refresher Session*

  • 1 x 60-75 mins virtual session

  • Follow up email with insights and ideas

  • Guidance on future support )

    *for those who have ‘walked’ with me

Core 4 week programme

  • 30 min initial consultation

  • 4 x 60-75 mins virtual session

  • 4 x Follow up emails with insights and ideas

  • Unlimited support in between sessions

  • Review at end of 4 weeks - roll on to next 4 weeks at same frequency or reduced or pause.