Helping you navigate through life with greater ease

Hello and welcome to my website. I'm glad you're here. If you have any questions or would like to book a free initial chat—no strings attached—please get in touch.

In my teens and 20s, I struggled with low self-esteem and confidence, body dysmorphia, an eating disorder, trouble focusing, extreme fatigue, and low mood. I wish I’d had someone to walk alongside me through it all. These experiences have shaped my work and the knowledge and wisdom I've gained since then and now share with others, especially teens/ early 20s to support their mental health.

As you will uncover from this website, I pull on two key levers: an individuals’ state of mind and their genetic programming. Underpinned by a coaching style that seeks to create a safe and nurturing space for my clients as we get to the root cause of their struggles, leading to a deeper understanding of their mind and body for their flourishing.

Anna x


“I was watching the rapid diminishing of the young, vibrant, intelligent girl I knew into a scared, reclusive, anxious young woman with no self-esteem or belief in her own worth. Over the last few months I have watched my daughter (25) begin to flourish once more under Anna’s guidance, empathy and nurture. If you want someone who intuitively knows how to help you face demons head on, survive and flourish then give Anna a call. I am eternally grateful for all she has done for my girl.”

— Parent, London


"The time Anna and I spent 'walking together' has been truly life changing. I have flourished from a frightened young woman who’d innocently trapped herself in an insecure body and mind…Anna’s nurturing approach has helped me step into a sense of vibrancy where my mind is less intimidating and life's no longer confined by expectations, rules and regulations. I want to thank Anna from the bottom of my heart for showing me how to embrace healing and health; I’m so so excited for what the future holds.

— 20, Cornwall


“I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
For I see you, in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness
As you remember your Light.”

How do we explore ‘walking’ together?

  • Free Initial Consultation: This is always the starting point. It gives us both an opportunity to meet and identify if I am the right fit for you before any commitments are made. There is no pressure to do anything beyond this point.

  • Decide Focus: Our initial conversation will give me insight into what you would like support on and will determine which lever we pull - state of mind, nutrition and nutrigenomics or a combination.

  • State of Mind focused: Most clients work intensely over a 4 week period with 1 session per week plus unlimited support in between. This allows us to build momentum from one session to the next and for some 4 weeks is all that is needed. Though some pop back for a refresher session!

  • Nutrition & Nutrigenomics focused: These tend to work around packages depending on what you are experiencing and what your goals are.

  • Combination: If we think a combination would be useful - for example if we are focusing on mental health where we might want to look at the genetic programming around the nervous system and neurotransmitters - then we can agree a tailored programme in our initial conversation.

  • Ultimately my goal is to not be needed: From a state of mind perspective you already have all you need you just might need a helping hand accessing that. From a nutrition and nutrigenomics point of view we do a bit of delving and then armed with knowledge identify what tweaks would be beneficial to you. It may be enough for you to have the information and crack on with the changes for others they may want to walk a little longer to bed in new habits. I want to be where I am needed only for the time I am needed.

How I work


One to One

This is a partnership built on trust. I trust you to share with me what you want when you want. I ask you to trust that I will do all I can to support you in who you wish to become. There is no set process, I will adapt each session based on where you are and what we are working towards.



All sessions are run virtually either over video or over the phone whatever suits you. There is also as much virtual support in between sessions as is helpful. I want my clients to feel as though I am walking alongside them for the time that they need and that often means regular contact.


One to Group

I can provide one off talks and workshops and digital and non digital programmes at scale. Whether focused on state of mind or nutrition and lifestyle change or both. The collaborative feel and ripple effect that comes from a a team, a school, organisation can be extremely powerful.